Best Retail Finance Credit Provider Award 2019 READ MORE

Best Retail Finance Credit Provider Award 2019

Dear Friends and Valued Partners. I’m happy to share with you our recent success in winning the “Best Retail Finance Credit Provider Award” at the 2019 Debt Review Awards held recently in KwaZulu-Natal. The Debt Review Awards is an industry Awards...
Annual Debt Review Awards READ MORE

Annual Debt Review Awards

The annual Debt Review Awards celebrates and rewards the Debt Counselling and Debt Review Industry. Each year, parties who are NCR registered within the Dept Review Industry are invited to participate. Winners are selected using online software, where the Debt Review...
Excluded Accounts READ MORE

Excluded Accounts

Consumer Friend noticed that a number of debt counsellors exclude certain credit agreements from the debt review process. After extensive investigations, we approached the transgressing debt counsellors to ascertain their reasoning behind this. A number of reasons...
Reckless Lending Fee READ MORE

Reckless Lending Fee

In September 2018, The National Credit Regulator (NCR) issued a notice of their intention to withdraw the reckless lending fee of R1,500.00. This on the back of conducting an investigation on how any investigations were actually done whilst debt counsellors charged...